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(A Government of India Undertaking)

ITI Limited

Investors- Disclosure under Regulation 46 of the SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

Latest Investors


Intimation regarding issue of duplicate share certificates under regulation 39(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 (785 KB, EN)

Reconciliation of share capital audit (256 KB, EN)

Statement of Investor complaints (478 KB, EN)

Compliance report under regulation 7(3) (365 KB, EN)

Appointment of Shri Shashi Prakash Gupta, Director - Human Resources (789 KB, EN)

Press Release - RajNetorder in Rajasthan (159 KB, EN)

Letter informing regarding Rajnet order (156 KB, EN)

Regulation 30 LODR DRHP Adoption (368 KB, EN)

List of Debtors and Creditors (250 KB, EN)

Updation of PAN Number and Bank particulars in Register of Members conversion of Physical share to Demat (250 KB, EN)

ITI received Advance Work Order from BSNL (780 KB, EN)

ITI has received Letter of Intent for MahaNet-I project (980 KB, EN)

Appointment of New Government Director (850 KB, EN)

Appointment of New Independent Directors (900 KB, EN)

Letter approving DRHP approval (250 KB, EN)

AGM-Scrutiniser report (800 KB, EN)

Letter informing proceedings of 68th AGM (750 KB, EN)

Letter-proposal for appointment of Shri K R Shanmugam (854 KB, EN)

Letter-Notice of AGM (205 KB, EN)

Letter informing appointment of statutory auditors (850 KB, EN)

Letter informing Book closure (400 KB, EN)

Letter-appointment of statutory and branch auditor (987 KB, EN)

Letter-change in directorate-Lt Gen A R Prasad-Superannuation (456 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome of BM (369 KB, EN)

Letter-unaudited financial results-30-6-2018 (458 KB, EN)

Board meeting is scheduled on Monday, 13th August 2018 (850 KB, EN)

Letter informing receipt of AWO (980 KB, EN)

Letter-change in directorate-Rajesh Sharma appointment (500 KB, EN)

Press release-Mahanet (600 KB, EN)

Letter informing receipt of Safety awards (650 KB, EN)

Letter informing receipt of Mahanet (654 KB, EN)

Letter-Change in Directorate- R M Agarwal (780 KB, EN)

Letter-Change in Directorate-Chittaranjan Pradhan (985 KB, EN)

Letter-Change in Directorate-Independent Directors (560 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-K Alagesan (450 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-K Alagesan-DH (980 KB, EN)

Letter-Change in Directorate-S Gopu-CMD (950 KB, EN)

Letter-Extra Ordinary General Meeting-05-04-2018 (780 KB, EN)

Letter-Intimation of Board meeting 19-5-2018 (650 KB, EN)

Letter-Intimation of Board meeting notice-13-02-2018 (450 KB, EN)

Letter-outcome of bm-19-05-2018 (840 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome of Board meeting-13-2-2018 (950 KB, EN)

Letter-outcome of Board meeting-Restated financials (780 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome-13-02-2018 (650 KB, EN)

Letter-preferentialallotment-192cr (780 KB, EN)

Letter-Press release-12.04.2018 (980 KB, EN)

Letter-Press Release-2018 (800 KB, EN)


Letter-Annual report (400 KB, EN)

Letter-Appointment of Auditor-2017 (750 KB, EN)

Letter-ASCONphaseIV (580 KB, EN)

Letter-Board meeting notice (980 KB, EN)

Letter-Board meeting notice-09-02-2017 (450 KB, EN)

Letter-Board meeting notice-13-09-2017 (850 KB, EN)

Letter-Board meeting Notice-14-12-2017 (780 KB, EN)

Letter-Change in Directorate- K Alagesan-DM (520 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-Dr Janaki Ananthakrishnan (780 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-S Gopu (520 KB, EN)

Letter-intimating AGM bookclosure (482 KB, EN)

Letter-Intimation of Board meeting-09-02-2017 (754 KB, EN)

Letter-MPS-25% (520 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome-09-02-2017 (780 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome-13-09-2017 (740 KB, EN)

Letter-outcome-14-12-2017 (540 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome-28-5-2017 (980 KB, EN)

Letter-Pres release-Palakkad-ISRO (800 KB, EN)

Letter-Press release-04-2017 (700 KB, EN)

Letter-Pressrelease-2017 (785 KB, EN)

Letter-Proceeding of 67th AGM (785 KB, EN)


Letter informing about 10% MPS (450 KB, EN)

Letter-Annual report-2015-16 (952 KB, EN)

Letter-Board meeting Notice-10-02-2016 (598 KB, EN)

Letter-Board meeting notice-10-11-2016 (785 KB, EN)

Letter-Board meeting notice-11-08-2016 (265 KB, EN)

Letter-Board meeting Notice-26-05-2016 (582 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate- A R Prasad- Nitin Kohli (200 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-Asha Kumari Jaswal (452 KB, EN)

Letter-change in directorate-P K Gupta (685 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-R M Agarwal - Srikanta Panda (352 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-Ramesh Bhat (842 KB, EN)

Letter-contact details for disclosure of material events (158 KB, EN)

Letter-Intimating results-30-06-2016 (952 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome-10-11-2016 (500 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome-11-08-2016 (740 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome-26-05-2016 (365 KB, EN)

Letter-Outcome-30-05-2016 (152 KB, EN)


Letter-Board meeting notice-09-11-2015 (580 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-Dhirendra Singh and Zaarabi (952 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-K K Gupta (750 KB, EN)

Letter-Change in Directorate-P K Guptaas CMD (235 KB, EN)

Letter-change in Directorate-Saday Krishna Kanoria (850 KB, EN)

Company Secretary is the Compliance Officer for attending to the Investor's grievances/Queries. Investor's grievances and any other service requests which are not attended to by the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent may please be forwarded to the Company Secretary directly at the following address/e-mail:

Company Secretary ITI Limited Registered & Corporate Office ITI Bhavan, Doorvaninagar Bangalore: 560016 Telephone: 080-25617486 Email ID: cosecy_crp[at]itiltd[dot]co[dot]in

Registrars and Share Transfer Agent

The request for Transmission of shares, duplicate shares, demat and remat of shares are handled by our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) M/s Integrated Registry Management Services Limited. The address of RTA is given below :

Integrated Registry Management Services Limited 30, Ramana Residency , 4th Cross, Sampige Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore- 560 003 Phone No. 080 -23460815 - 818 Fax No: 080 -23460819 Email ID:

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