Unit Profile - Bangalore Plant
Bangalore Unit is the first Plant of ITI set up in 1948. With its, vertically integrated, infrastructure a vast range of telecom products are manufactured. They include Digital switches, Next Generation Network equipment, Digital Microwave equipment, Satellite communication equipment, Defence Secrecy equipment, Access products, Terminal equipment.
ASCON project solutions
3D printing
Contract manufacturing
EMC and EMI testing services
Printed circuit board manufacturing
HDPE pipes
GSM maintenance services
Data center hosting services
WiFi Access Point
Aadhaar Authentication services
Bangalore Plant

Contact Details
Unit Head
Bangalore Plant and R&D,
ITI Limited, Dooravaninagar,
Bangalore-560016, Karnataka,India.
Phone : 080-25651340, 080-28503902
Fax : 080-25650400
Email : unithead_bgp[at]itiltd[dot]co[dot]in
Quality system

PCM Secrecy

Machines Available :
CNC Turret Punch Press (30 tons), NC Pressbrakes (upto 120 tons), CNC Shearing (2.5 mtrs) and General purpose machines. Capability: Handling sheet metal work of 2mm thickness of stainless steel, 2.5mm MS & 3.2mm Aluminium. Capacity: Process about 100 tons of Sheet Metal per month.

Capability: Dual wave and Nitrogen atmosphere wave soldering. Capacity: 36 million components per annum.

Capability: Single Layer to 4 Layer. Capacity: 3000 Sq.Metres per annum.

In-Circuit Testers (up to 2000 nodes). Capability: Detects open, short, continuity, correctness of the components with respect to Orientation, Value, etc. Capacity: 1,50,000 cards per year (average). Functional testing for cards. System Testing.

Capability: 25 to 300 tons. Capacity: 0.5 million shots per annum.

Capability: Manufacture and maintenance of moulding tools, press tools, jigs & fixtures. Capacity: Supporting in-house requirements.

Capability: Electroplating and Powder coating facilities. Capacity: Supporting in-house fabrication.
Nickel Plating

Non-cyanide Plating

Upgraded Zinc Phosphating Plant

- EMI Shielded Chamber
- Electrical Test Lab
- Mechanical Test Lab
- Chemical Test Lab
- Environmental Testing Facility
- CDMA Network: 4.4 Million Lines - Supply, Installation, and Commissioning for BSNL
- Army Static Communication Network (ASCON) for Defence Forces (Covering entire country)
- CIVICON PROJECT for Ministry of Home Affairs (Turn-key Network Implementation)
- CARNATION Project for Indian ARMY (Wide Area Strategic Network)
- IDR Project for BSNL
- Point to Point Satellite-based Links for RCPO
- LICO VSAT for Indian ARMY
- SCPC DAMA Equipment