Defence Products
ANANDA MK II: (Name to be corrected in WEB Page) ANANDA MK II encryptor to encrypt and decrypt 2 Mbps / E1 data of PCM Format. It can accept various types of Signalling formats like CAS, CCS, PRI, ADPCM, ATM, etc. It can work from Internal, External, or Recovered clock. It can also work with Framed / Unframed Data. It meets QM 333 Environmental Specifications. It works from -48v DC with duplicated power Supply. It is housed in a standard 19" subrack, and a main rack can house 4 such subracks. Each subrack carries four independent 2 Mbps Channels; effectively, this can be used as an 8 Mbps Encryptor.

STM 1 Encryptor encrypts/decrypts SDH formatted data at bit rates of 155Mbps. It accepts either electrical / Optical Interface as clear data input and gives out encrypted data again as Electrical or Optical Interface. Works with proprietary algorithm and Key management. The encryptor provides NMS interface for monitoring and alarm indication. It is equipped in standard 19ā sub rack. While working on long haul Optical lines it has in built facility of Optical regenerators. Unit has low power consumption and works from -48v DC Power supply.

BEU IP is designed and developed by ITI to encrypt / decrypt Internet Protocol (IP) data at layer 2 / layer 3 of OSI layer. It can work in either Tunnel mode or Transport mode. Uses Proprietary algorithm and key Management. Designed to accept data from LAN / WAN and give a throughput of 10/100 Base T. On media side it can work on Optical / Satellite media. The unit is available as table top model or as standard 19ā sub rack construction in 1āUā height.